by Dimitri Chamblas
Sunday, 3 September 2023
Saffa Insel, Zurich

The performance Slow Show by choreographer Dimitri Chamblas is based on principles such as trance, euphoria, telepathy and unconscious memories. This effect unfolds through the almost invisible movements of the performers, which reveal themselves almost imperceptibly.

Since its Los Angeles premiere in 2018, Slow Show has been performed at Luma Arles in France (2019), the Choreographic Development Center La Termitière in Burkina Faso and other venues all over the world. For each performance, around 50 people work on a new incarnation of the choreography during a four-day workshop under Chamblas’ direction. In forming a temporary community and exploring different moods and intensities of movement, their highly concentrated interaction with their immediate environment reaches its peak at the moment of performance.

The accompanying music, composed of samples, live electronics, and real sounds, is custom-tailored for each location by Californian musician and DJ Eddie Ruscha.

Dimitri Chamblas continues to engage people from various backgrounds, expanding dance's role in inhabiting spaces and making it accessible to a wider audience. Slow Show creates a fleeting yet diverse community, leaving a mark on the places it passes through while redefining shared spaces and time.

Concept & Choreography: Dimitri Chamblas
Music: Eddie Ruscha
With 56 participants from Zurich and vicinity.
Commissioned and produced by Luma Foundation and presented as part of Zürcher Theater Spektakel.
Film/Edit: Manuela Ruggeri /